Sunday, May 12, 2013

Game Change

With the Presidential election only being two weeks away, I finally read John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's book on the 2008 election cycle, Game Change. Heilemann of New York magazine and Halperin of Time divide their work into three parts: the Democratic Primary, the Republican Primary, and the General Election.Of the 436 pages, roughly 60% focuses on the battle between Hillary and Barack to be the Democratic-standard bearer. The book, in my opinion, casts Hillary in a kind-light, unfairly persecuted from the outside and leader of a loosely managed campaign up against an Obama-messianic fervor. The hatred between the two campaigns is especially interesting in light of the recent Libya scandal and Secretary Clinton's strong approach to the State Department. It seems that Secretary Clinton's independence as State head was part of the Obama campaign's efforts to reconcile the Clinton machine to the Obama surge.The second part of the book focuses on McCain's attempts to capture the presidency. First, the authors gloss over the Republican nomination - especially disappointing in light of Governor Romney's successful nomination this year. Second, the McCain's pick of Governor Palin and her ensuing effects are examined deeply as well. Palin, likewise, comes off as to be pitied - a novice cast in over her head by an ill-prepared McCain campaign that sought a short-cut to the White House. This is especially disappointing for a Republican Party which has so many capable female governors waiting in the wings.Game Change is an excellent book for those interesting in the campaign - especially the Clinton and Obama machines. For those seeking a look at the Republican field or a closer approach to the campaign, the book proves inadequate.

Game Change Images

Game Change (US - DVD R1 | BD)
(700 x 1075 - 181.21 KB - jpeg)

Game Change’, la carrera hacia la presidencia | ¡Quién te ha ...
(1000 x 1354 - 246.04 KB - jpeg)

(600 x 437 - 144.80 KB - jpeg)

Game Change
(948 x 1432 - 63.05 KB - jpeg)

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